DotBot gateway application#

This application can be used as a gateway for communication between a computer and a DotBot.

Plug an nRF52840-DK on your computer and flash this application on it.

Use the button on the DK to control a DotBot running the 03app_dotbot application:

  • button 1: drive the left wheel forward

  • button 3: drive the left wheel backward

  • button 2: drive the right wheel forward

  • button 4: drive the right wheel backward

You can also use dotbot-controller tool to communicate with the firmware from your computer and for example control the DotBot using your keyboard.

dotbot-controller is available on PyPI:

$ pip install dotbot-controller

Then use it in a command line interface:

$ dotbot-controller --help
usage: dotbot-controller [-h] [-t {joystick,keyboard,server}] [-p PORT] [-b BAUDRATE]

BotController, universal SailBot and DotBot controller

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {joystick,keyboard,server}, --type {joystick,keyboard,server}
                        Type of your controller. Defaults to "keyboard"
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Linux users: path to port in "/dev" folder ; Windows users: COM port. Defaults to "/dev/ttyACM0"
  -b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE
                        Serial baudrate. Defaults to 1000000