- group drv_tdma_client
Driver for Time-Division-Multiple-Access fot the DotBot radio.
- Author
Said Alvarado-Marin
- Copyright
Inria, 2024-now
typedef void (*tdma_client_cb_t)(uint8_t *packet, uint8_t length)#
Function pointer to the callback function called on packet receive.
void db_tdma_client_init(tdma_client_cb_t callback, db_radio_mode_t radio_mode, uint8_t radio_freq, application_type_t default_radio_app)#
Initializes the TDMA scheme.
Starts advertising registration packets, set a default tdma table and inits the radio
- Parameters:
callback – [in] pointer to a function that will be called each time a packet is received.
radio_mode – [in] BLE mode used by the radio (1MBit, 2MBit, LR125KBit, LR500Kbit)
radio_freq – [in] Frequency of the radio [0, 100]
default_radio_app – [in] Which application to use for registration and sync messages
void db_tdma_client_set_table(const tdma_client_table_t *table)#
Updates the RX and TX timings for the TDMA table.
- Parameters:
table – [in] New table of TDMA timings
void db_tdma_client_get_table(tdma_client_table_t *table)#
Get the current RX and TX timings of the TDMA table.
- Parameters:
table – [in] Copy of the current table of TDMA timings
void db_tdma_client_tx(const uint8_t *packet, uint8_t length)#
Queues a single packet to send through the Radio.
- Parameters:
packet – [in] pointer to the array of data to send over the radio
length – [in] Number of bytes to send
void db_tdma_client_flush(void)#
Ignore TDMA table and send all pending packets immediately.
void db_tdma_client_empty(void)#
Erase all pending packets in the TDMA queue.
db_tdma_registration_state_t db_tdma_client_get_status(void)#
Return the status of the TDMA client. [Registered, Unregistered].
struct tdma_client_table_t#
Data type to store the TDMA table.
Public Members
uint32_t frame_duration#
Duration of the entire TDMA frame [microseconds].
uint32_t rx_start#
Time between the start of the frame and when the gateway starts transmitting.
uint32_t rx_duration#
Duration the gateway will transmit messages.
uint32_t tx_start#
Time between the start of the frame and the start of the DotBot’s alloted frame.
uint32_t tx_duration#
Duration of the DotBot’s alloted frame.
uint32_t frame_duration#