
group bsp_lh2

Control the LH2 sensor.


Filip Maksimovic filip.maksimovic@inria.fr


Said Alvarado-Marin said-alexander.alvarado-marin@inria.fr


Alexandre Abadie alexandre.abadie@inria.fr


Inria, 2022-present



Number of supported concurrent basestations.


Number of supported LFSR polynomials, two per basestation.


Number of laser sweeps per basestations rotation.


enum db_lh2_data_ready_state_t#

LH2 data ready buffer state.


enumerator DB_LH2_NO_NEW_DATA#

The data occupying this spot of the buffer has already been sent.


The data occupying this spot of the buffer is new and ready to send.


The data occupying this spot of the buffer is new and ready to send.


void db_lh2_init(db_lh2_t *lh2, const gpio_t *gpio_d, const gpio_t *gpio_e)#

Initialize LH2.

  • lh2[in] pointer to the lh2 instance

  • gpio_d[in] pointer to gpio data

  • gpio_e[in] pointer to gpio event

void db_lh2_process_raw_data(db_lh2_t *lh2)#

Process raw data coming from the lighthouse, but skip the polynomial count calculation.

  • lh2[in] pointer to the lh2 instance

void db_lh2_process_location(db_lh2_t *lh2)#

Compute the location based on raw data coming from the lighthouse.

  • lh2[in] pointer to the lh2 instance

void db_lh2_start(void)#

Start the LH2 frame acquisition.

void db_lh2_stop(void)#

Stop the LH2 frame acquisition.

void db_lh2_reset(db_lh2_t *lh2)#

Reset the lh2 internal state so new location computation can be made.

  • lh2[in] pointer to the lh2 instance

struct db_lh2_raw_data_t#

LH2 raw data.

Public Members

uint64_t bits_sweep#

bits sweep is the result of the demodulation, sweep_N indicates which SPI transfer those bits are associated with

uint8_t selected_polynomial#

selected poly is the polyomial # (between 0 and 31) that the demodulation code thinks the demodulated bits are a part of, initialize to error state

int8_t bit_offset#

bit_offset indicates an offset between the start of the packet, as indicated by envelope dropping, and the 17-bit sequence that is verified to be in a known LFSR sequence

struct db_lh2_location_t#

LH2 raw data location.

Public Members

uint8_t selected_polynomial#

selected poly is the polyomial # (between 0 and 31) that the demodulation code thinks the demodulated bits are a part of, initialize to error state

uint32_t lfsr_location#

LFSR location is the position in a given polynomial’s LFSR that the decoded data is, initialize to error state.

struct db_lh2_t#

LH2 instance (one row per laser sweep, and one column per basestation)

Public Members

db_lh2_raw_data_t raw_data[LH2_SWEEP_COUNT][LH2_BASESTATION_COUNT]#

raw data decoded from the lighthouse

db_lh2_location_t locations[LH2_SWEEP_COUNT][LH2_BASESTATION_COUNT]#

buffer holding the computed locations

uint32_t timestamps[LH2_SWEEP_COUNT][LH2_BASESTATION_COUNT]#

timestamp of when the raw data was received

db_lh2_data_ready_state_t data_ready[LH2_SWEEP_COUNT][LH2_BASESTATION_COUNT]#

Is the data in the buffer ready to send over radio, or has it already been sent ?

uint8_t *spi_ring_buffer_count_ptr#

pointer to the SPI rung buffer packet count, so the user application can read how many spi captures are waiting to be processed.